“I jumped up and said, ‘If she can do it, so can I!'”
Miss March 2017: Debbie
Occupation: College professor
Your motto or favorite quote: “We learn one thing – if we learn at all – in the secret wars we call our lives: anything can happen.” -Jackson Browne
How long have you been pole dancing at Divine? 2 years!
Did you have any previous dance or fitness training before starting pole? No dance training, but I’ve Jazzercised for almost 32 years.
What made you decide to take pole dancing classes? I was diagnosed with a touch of osteoporosis in my spine and my doctor told me I had to do more weight-bearing exercise. The next day, I was scrolling through Facebook and saw a picture of Greta Ponterelli, holding herself in a “flag” position on a pole, and I read her story. She was 62 and she started pole-dancing when she was diagnosed with a touch of osteoporosis in her spine! I jumped up and said, “If she can do it, so can I!” Plus, I was about to turn 60 and wanted to do something different.
Favorite class? (spins, inversions, or boudoir), and why? Basic spins and basic inversions. Basic spins – it’s just pure therapy, and I love climbing. Basic inversions – because I like being strong.
What is it that you LOVE about pole dancing at Divine? All the wonderful people I dance with! And the best instructors on the planet! And the look on my students’ faces when I tell them I take pole classes. They freak. It’s hilarious.
Platforms or legwarmers? Legwarmers.
What are you currently working on technically? I can do the combo routine in basic inversions on my right side. Now I have to tackle my left. And I’m trying to improve my aerial invert.
What are you working on artistically? Well, at some point, heels, maybe.
What is your favorite move? Climbing in basic spins; the Jasmine in basic inversions.
What is in your pole bag (ex: grip aid, journal, etc)? Grip aid.
Do you have a favorite song to pole dance to? “Tennessee Whiskey”
We LOVE music at Divine. What 3 songs would be featured on the soundtrack to YOUR life, and why?
These are the songs I have made my sister promise to play at my funeral! One is about forgiveness, the other is about, living your life fully, and the third is my favorite old hymn – but sung by the inimitable Van Morrison.
- “Don’t You Want to Be There” -Jackson Browne
- “For a Dancer” -Jackson Browne
- “Be Thou My Vision” -Van Morrison
Guilty pleasure: Milk Duds
Final Question: Any inspirational advice you would like to share with new polers? Invest in a pole for home and set a goal for each month about what you want to accomplish. Small steps will get you where you want to go over time. I practice aerial pole crunches every morning on both sides (I’m up to 15 on each side for February!) and whatever it is I’ve learned in Basic Inversions from the week before. I’ve just made it part of my morning routine. But first, I drink coffee!