Meet Jessica!
Jessica has been dancing traditionally since high school but fell in love with pole in 2012. Since then she has competed in PSO events in LA and Seattle 4 times. While she'll never let go of her deep love of inversions she is currently infatuated with all things heels and LowFlow.
Divine Movement Phase 1, 2, and 3 Certified
FlyGym Certified Instructor
Simi Valley, CA
Why do you love Divine Movement?
The incredibly uplifting community at Divine in addition to the style of teaching empowered me to love me for myself.
What do you consider your teaching style?
I’d say I have a little bit of a tough love approach to teaching only because I can be a cheater and I don’t want anyone cheating themselves.
What music is on your “Divine” playlist right now?
Devil Like You – Gareth Dunlop
My Hearts Grave – Faouzia
Radio Lust – The Blancos
Favorite Food?
Tacos. They work for every meal.
What is the farthest you have been from home?
So far I can check off UK, Ireland, France, Spain, Hawaii, Mexico, and Bahamas. There is still SO MUCH world to see.
When was the last time you cried?
Pretty often. I get weepy every time someone has to leave the Great British Baking show.
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I never really knew what I wanted to do and I still don’t. I’m very much a Jill of all trades.
Guilty Pleasure?
Favorite article of clothing to dance in?
Pants, socks, and long sleeves. As much as I love to invert, sliding around is my favorite.
Favorite quote?
It’s actually tattooed on me.
“If your Nerve, Deny you –
Go above your Nerve -”
– Emily Dickinson