Instructor Spotlight

Jessica M // Instructor

By February 20, 2016 No Comments

instructor-jessica-m Jessica started dancing at Divine in 2010. Since the age of 3, dance has always been a big part of her life. She started out in ballet and tap, grew into jazz and modern dance, and eventually learned how to two-step, salsa, east and west coast swing, waltz, lindy-hop and shuffle. However, without a doubt, pole dancing is her favorite. She lives in Seattle with her beloved German Shepard Poodle mix named Sneaker.

Why do you love Divine Movement?
My love for Divine continues to evolve. It began as a personal journey. I loved the warm cozy studio with dim lights and no mirrors. I started out with the desire to connect to my body (and this happened!). This journey has blossomed in to a deep love and commitment to this community of women. I love that women come together to celebrate one another. I love that this is a space where women come to be silly, to play and have fun, but also a place where women bare their souls and tell their secrets. As an instructor, I have the honor and privilege of listening to the stories of my students. These include women recovering from eating disorders and addiction, divorce, sexual abuse and trauma, domestic violence, internalized shame around their bodies, and the list goes on. I deeply believe in the philosophy of this studio and I consider Divine to be the love of my life (sappy, I know!).

What do you consider your teaching style?
Sappy (see above). Nurturing and empowering. I want students to think about how they feel as they move and release any expectations about how they look. I want my students to leave feeling loved, feeling celebrated, feeling like they have a safe space to challenge themselves and to grow. Most of all, I hope my students feel permission and encouragement to embrace femininity, in all of it’s forms, and begin recognize the power that each of them holds.

What music is on your “Divine” playlist right now?
Make It Rain/Ed Sheeran; I’m The Only One/Melissa Etheridge; Like a River Runs/Bleachers; Downtome/Inner; Dust to Dust/Civil Wars; Dead In The Water;Ellie Goulding; Hallelujah/Brandi Carlile

Favorite Food?
Hot Chocolate

What is the farthest you have been from home?
I have traveled to over 30 countries! Some of my favorites are: Namibia, Vietnam, Italy and South Africa

When was the last time you cried?
Last night, watching one of my ladies dance…. (again, sappy)

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Ring Bearer in the Circus

Guilty pleasure?
The Bachelor/Bachelorette/Bachelor in Paradise

Favorite article of clothing to dance in?
pants, so I can slide around

Favorite quote?
“…Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?” — Marianne Williamson, as quoted by Nelson Mandela