Jenna started dancing at Divine in 2012. With a background in rock climbing and yoga and was looking for a different form of fitness that was more expressive. She had always loved watching people dance but always felt too inhibited when doing it herself. Divine has given her an opportunity to transform, grow, and evolve into a more expressive, confident, and accepting person. She loves sharing her joy of dance with new students.
Teaching Style:
High-energy, quirky, supportive, creative
Boxboro, Massachusetts
Why do you love Divine Movement?
I love the unconditional acceptance and support within these walls that allows us to show every part of our soul. No matter what it looks like. I also the the authenticity of the friendships I have made.
What music is on your “Divine” playlist right now?
My music playlists are constantly evolving. I am usually inspired by songs that bring me back to a different time and place or are a little obscure. Current faves: All I Want Is You by U2, Made to Love by John Legend, Batuque by Dom La Nena, and Breathe On Me by Britney Spears
Favorite Food?
Dark chocolate!
What is the farthest you have been from home?
Australia. Mate!
When was the last time you cried?
Within the last 7 days most likely:)
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A veterinarian. Before that, an astronaut.
Guilty pleasure?
Dark chocolate! And marrying ketchup bottles…And rainbows…Unicorns too…