Student Spotlight

Say Hello to Jesi!

By October 23rd, 2018 No Comments
"Since being at Divine, I have proven I’m capable of more than I ever thought I was, found my inner powerhouse, have become part of the most loving and supportive community, and for the first time in a very long time can say I truly love myself."

Miss October 2018: Jesi Carroll

Technical Recruiter

Your motto or favorite quote?
“When you know better, you do better.” and Try all the things!

How long have you been pole dancing at Divine?
In November it will be a whole year and I can’t believe it!

Did you have any previous dance or fitness training before starting pole?
Yes 🙂 I’ve been dancing since I was 9 years old and did everything from competitions, professional teams, and have previously taught dance classes in college and at various studios in the Seattle area. My passion for the longest was hip-hop and contemporary styles.

What made you decide to take pole dancing classes?
I had always had it on my list of things to try and was in need of some sassy spice in my life.

Favorite class? (spins, inversions, or boudoir), and why?
This is so hard to choose because it depends what mood I’m in each day. But Intermediate Spins has been a lot of fun and quickly becoming a favorite!

What is it that you LOVE about pole dancing at Divine?
I love that Divine has quite honestly, changed my life. For a very long time I was the girl who was SO un-confident in her skin to the point where I hated myself and always wished I could be someone else (as crazy as that sounds thinking about that kind of mindset now). Since being at Divine, I have proven I’m capable of more than I ever thought I was, found my inner powerhouse, have become part of the most loving and supportive community, and for the first time in a very long time can say I truly love myself.

Platforms or legwarmers?

What are you currently working on technically?
The second basic inversions combo

What are you working on artistically?
Trying to slow down in my dancing. I want to dance in-between the beats more and elongate my movements just a little longer.

What is your favorite move?
Fish flop now that I can do it! It used to terrify me so I’m proud to whip it out when I can haha

What is in your pole bag (ex: grip aid, journal, etc)?
Dry-Hands grip aid, probably 3 different pole outfits, a protein bar, a brightly colored lipstick, and sandals so I don’t have to put on regular shoes after class.

Do you have a favorite song to pole dance to?
The Few Things by JP Saxe

We LOVE music at Divine. What 3 songs would be featured on the soundtrack to YOUR life, and why? 

  1. Lavender and Velvet by Alina Baraz (It is so sexy and I can’t help but feel confident when I listen to it)
  2. Strawberry Bubblegum by Justin Timberlake (This song is the vibe I want to have in my life. Plus, JT was my first real love so I can’t not include one of his in there)
  3. Switch by 6LACK (I am ALL about R&B music. My favorite genre J)

Guilty pleasure?
Chocolate and getting my nails done probably too much

Final Question: Any inspirational advice you would like to share with new polers?
Strip yourself of your expectations and just experience the moment of each class. Enjoy the journey and just go for it because I promise you will surprise yourself with what you’re capable of. Try all the things, don’t sell yourself short, and whatever you do, be proud of every single class you take because you are doing something for YOU!