- ALL Online/Live classes are found under the Drop In tab in Mindbody under the KIRKLAND location!
- All Community Classes cost will remain “pay what you can” starting at $1.
- Other classes are $20 for a single class and $90 for a package of 5.
- Most classes are no-pole required, but a few of them are and say “pole required” in the description.
- Zoom meeting info will be sent out approximately 20-25 minutes prior to the start of class.
Virtual Private & Semi-Private Special
We are currently offering a 10% discount on all privates and semi privates (semi privates are for up to 3 people), and room rentals. Privates can be arranged for pole and non pole content depending on staff/studio availability.
Code is: reopen10
Gift Card Special
You’ll receive $10 extra for every $100 of gift cards purchased! Gift cards are good for ALL purchases at Divine Movement, including retail! They also don’t expire!